Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dead Man Walking

I've been a bit quiet lately because I've been away for a day or so (only to Bedford for a party, nothing earth shattering); I've been knitting like fury and I'm almost dead.

Did you hear about the Sock Wars? Well, I've just done the same with Hat Attack.

The pattern came out at about 1.45pm my time on Saturday afternoon. I had to hold back 'im indoors from leaving for Bedford until the pattern was safely printed off. We'd had some information about gauge/ suitable yarn and so on in the run-up to the start. I had the hat cast on before we left the rural backwater and continued to knit in the car until it was too dark to see. No chance of sending the thing off before Monday, so I was very leisurely about it - though I must say I pulled out the knitting as the party wore on - no-one batted an eyelid. I got the hat done late on Saturday evening.

Some competitors seem to be taking the thing very seriously but then, I even swatched, which goes to show how serious about the whole thing I am being. (For those unfamiliar with my usual attitude to swatching - I never swatch, ever.)

My assassin (blogless) is in Estonia and has already sent my hat, though I have not received it (hence the title of this post).

I have sent my hat:

to my victim, who is in Belgium. It appears that she is still alive, as I had a message on Ravelry from her today but her days are numbered.

We're doomed.

My brother-in-law arrived from Italy yesterday.

"Any news?" he asked.

"Well, I could tell you the Horse Story."

"Oh, I know all about that - I read it on your blog."


1 comment:

allisonmariecat said...

Oh! Lovely hat! I am very impressed that you swatched for a hat. I can never bring myself to swatch for anything smaller than an adult sweater.

I love that your brother-in-law reads your blog. An aunt of mine stumbled upon my knitting blog and called me to ask if it was okay if she read it. Hee hee.